Terms and Conditions

This following user agreement describes the terms and conditions on which drovox. Offers you access to our services.

DROVOX Terms & Conditions

  1. Contractual Relationship
    1. “drovox” applications “drovox “hero”” “drovox merchants” drovox gifts" and “drovox shopper” has its head and registered office located at 13217 Riyadh - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, hereinafter referred to as “drovox – us – the possessive pronoun (us)” – which also includes the expression of legal and administrative representatives of “drovox” applications and their authorized affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “drovox applications”). 
    2. These Terms of Service constitute a legally binding agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) between you as a “User of a drovox Application” and the drovox Applications participating in them at the beginning of that Agreement.
    3. This Agreement governs your use of the drovox Applications, Website, Call Center, and Application (together referred to as the “drovox Application”). The right to operate the drovox application is licensed by the Google Store and the Apple store and the company that owns and operates the applications in accordance with the relevant company’s law, and the relevant affiliates are subject to the jurisdiction of the country of origin of the company which provides you with the right to use the drovox applications in scope of that jurisdiction.
    5. Your access to and use of drovox Applications constitutes your agreement to be bound by this Agreement, which creates a contractual relationship between you and drovox. drovox may terminate this Agreement with you with immediate effect, or in general as to stop offering or deny access to the drovox App Services or any part thereof, at any time for any reason without prior notice.
    6. Certain Additional Terms may apply to certain Services (as defined below), such as policies for an event, loyalty programs, activity or promotion, and such supplemental terms will be disclosed to you in connection with the Services provided. Additional Terms are added to and are an integral part of this Agreement for the purposes of the Services provided. The additional terms of this Agreement shall govern in the event of a conflict with respect to the Services provided.
    7. drovox Apps may modify this Agreement from time to time. Modifications shall be effective following the publication of the updated Agreement by drovox on this website or the publication of the revised policies or supplemental terms relating to the provided service. Your continued access to or use of the drovox Applications after such posting constitutes your agreement to be bound by this Agreement as amended.
    8. Our collection and use of personal information in connection with drovox Apps is in accordance with the drovox Apps Privacy Policy, which can be viewed before you register on the Apps available on the Apple and Google Stores and which your registration constitutes your consent and you can view it by visiting the following link: https://www.drovox.com. drovox Apps may provide necessary information (including your contact information) to a claim settlement company or court in the event of a complaint, dispute or controversy, which may include an incident between you and a third-party service provider where such information or data is necessary to resolve a complaint, dispute or disagreement.
  2. drovox App
    1. drovox Apps provides a digital network that functions as a cellular phone application providing services where persons (“Users”) seeking personal transportation or logistics services (“Services”) can match people including drivers (“hero”) who can provide services. Each user must create a user account that enables them to access drovox applications. Any decision made by the User regarding the use or acceptance of the Services is at its sole discretion. Each Service provided by “hero” or any third party to the user constitutes a separate agreement between him and the user.
    2. In terms of materials or meals served by restaurants, drovox is to facilitate access to service
    3. The material posted on drovox Apps is not intended to provide advice as it may be relied upon. Therefore, we disclaim any liability or responsibility arising from any reliance of any visitor of the drovox application on such material or any person who has become aware of any of its contents.
    4. We aim to update our drovox apps regularly, and we may update the content at any time. We may suspend access to drovox apps and services, or close them indefinitely if the need arises. Any of the materials on the drovox apps or the Services may be out of date at any time, and we are under no obligation to update such materials.
    5. You acknowledge and agree that drovox Apps or any of its affiliate applications provide services that are provided by third party contractors who are not employed by Drovox or any of its affiliates.
  3. License.
    1. drovox Apps, subject to your compliance with this Agreement, grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable or non-transferable license to: (i) access and use drovox Apps on your personal devices solely in connection with your use of drovox Apps and (ii) access and use any of the content, information or related materials that may be made available through the drovox Applications, and in all cases the use of the Applications is for personal use only. drovox Apps and its licensors reserve any rights not expressly granted in this Agreement.
  4. Third Party Services and Content.
    1. drovox Apps may be made available or accessed in connection with Third Party Services and their content (including advertisements) that are not under the control of drovox Apps. You acknowledge that different Terms of Use and Privacy Policies may apply to your use of these Third-Party Services and their Content. drovox apps does not endorse these third-party services and their content and in no event will drovox apps be responsible for any products or services provided by third parties. In addition, Apple or Google and/or their respective international subsidiaries and affiliates are third party beneficiaries to this Contract if you access the Services using applications designed for Apple IOS or Google Android mobile devices, straight. These third-party beneficiaries are not parties to this contract and are not responsible for providing or supporting the Services in any way. Your access to drovox applications using these devices is subject to the terms set forth in the applicable third-party beneficiary's Terms of Service.
  5. Provision of the Services.
    1. You acknowledge that portions of the Services may be made available bearing the various drovox brands, ordering options, logistics trade mark and e-wallet mark.
    2. You also acknowledge that these Services may be made available under these Brands by: (i) certain Affiliates; or (ii) independent third-party contractors, including drivers of transportation network companies or holders of similar transportation permits, permits or licenses. The choice of brands or ordering options available to you is at the discretion of drovox Apps.
  6. Use of the drovox App
    1. Users Accounts
      1. In order to use most aspects of the drovox Applications Services, you must register for and maintain an active personal user account (“Account”). In order to obtain an account, you agree to the terms of use of the application, which in turn comply with the laws in force in the field of business. Account registration may require you to provide certain personal information to drovox, such as your name, address, mobile phone number, gender and age. You agree to note and maintain accurate, complete and current information in your account. Your failure to keep your account information accurate, complete and up-to-date may result in your inability to access and use the drovox Apps services properly, including your ability to request access to your personal information or opt-in to your in-app preferences, or to termination of the drovox Apps. This agreement is with you. You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account, and you agree to maintain the security of accessing your account through your cell phone at all times. You may not have more than one account unless otherwise permitted by drovox Apps.
    2. User Requirements and Conduct.
      1. drovox applications are available to individuals with legal capacity to contract and who are able to enter into binding contracts under applicable law. The use of others to use your account is at your legal responsibility, and in the event that people affiliated with you are allowed to receive transportation services from “hero” drivers unless they accompany you or another adult person, this is your responsibility alone and it is your responsibility also to wear protective equipment or face shield in all Times while riding a product of transportation. You must educate a minor of the laws that apply to them when they use the Product and must supervise their use at all times. You are solely responsible for the activity of minors for whom you are booking a product. You may not assign or transfer your account to any other person or entity. You agree to comply with all applicable laws when you use the drovox Apps, and you may use the drovox Apps only for lawful purposes. You may not, by your use of the drovox Applications, cause harm, inconvenience, inconvenience, or damage to property, whether to any “hero” Drivers, Application Partners, third parties, or any other party. In some cases, you may be required to provide proof of user identity to access or use drovox Applications, and you agree that access or use of drovox Applications may be denied if you decline to provide proof of user identification. Failure to comply with the terms of this paragraph may result in certain actions being taken against you, including but not limited to: (i) an immediate, temporary or permanent withdrawal of your right to use the drovox Applications; and/or (ii) take action against you including action to reimburse all costs (including, without limitation, reasonable administrative and legal costs) arising from such breach; and/or (iii) disclose such information to law enforcement authorities as we deem necessary, and/or (iv) immediately, temporarily or permanently remove any posting or material of yours accessing our service.
    3. Promotions, Bundles, Credits, Mobile Top Ups, and Referral Programs.
      1. drovox Apps may, in its sole discretion, make promotional offers available to any existing or potential user. Unless they are offered to you, these promotions have no effect on your agreement with or relationship with drovox Apps. Promotions will be made available to you in many cases through promotional codes. drovox apps reserves the right to withhold or redeem the credit or benefits obtained through a promotional offer in the event that drovox apps decides or deems to redeem the credit or benefit you have received in error, fraudulent or illegal methods, or by breach of the applicable Promotion Terms or the terms of this Agreement
      2. You in turn agree that the use of Promotion Codes must: (i) be for the intended audience and purpose, and in a lawful manner; and (ii) may not be copied, sold, transferred in any way or made available to the public (whether posted in generic form or otherwise), unless expressly permitted by drovox apps; (iii) that drovox apps may disable it at any time and for any reason without liability; and (iv) may only be used in accordance with the specific terms that drovox apps establish for such a promotional code; and (v) is not suitable for cash payment; (vi) it may expire before your use of it; and (vii) that drovox apps may make additional terms related to specific promotions. drovox apps reserves the right to withhold or redeem credits or other features or benefits obtained through the use of promotion codes or obtained by any other user in the event that drovox apps determines or believes that the use or redemption of the promotion code was in error, or fraudulent, illegal, or a breach of the applicable promotional code terms or the terms of this Agreement.
      3. drovox Apps may provide you, as part of your User Account, or allow you to create a "drovox Code", which is a unique alphanumeric code to distribute to friends, family and other people (each a "Referred User") to become a new User ("Referred Users"). or “hero” (“hero” Transferred”) drivers. drovox App Codes may be distributed for promotional purposes only and are provided free of charge. You may not sell, trade or barter your drovox App Code. You are prohibited from advertising drovox app icons, including but not limited to on Google, Facebook, or on any other digital apps or website owned, controlled or controlled by any other person. drovox reserves the right to cancel or invalidate any drovox Apps code at any time in its sole discretion.
      4. You will be able to access the drovox app top-up services, and this service is subject to change and availability. drovox Apps provides the right to purchase credit for the App Wallet (subject to the provisions of this Agreement) through its relationship with banks, e-wallets and relevant payment gateways. You agree to this and the following as a condition of recharging your wallet through drovox applications.
      5. You will be asked to enter the mobile phone number to which any credit on drovox apps will be credited. You are responsible for ensuring that the mobile number is entered correctly and the account is authenticated with an OTP verification code sent at the beginning of registration. You will also be asked to select the amount of the balance to add to your wallet. drovox apps will not be liable to you in any way in connection with the general charge of the credit, the specific mobile phone number entered or the amount of the credit paid.
      6. The cost of recharging the wallet balance will change depending on your payment method. All credit recharge transactions are final and cannot be modified or removed once the recharge information is entered on the drovox apps.
      7. Cash transfers sent by you to “Recipient Users” are subject to law and restrictions as to the number, frequency and amount of relevant transfers. Such restrictions are at the sole discretion of drovox Apps, and drovox Apps may change such restrictions from time to time without modifying this Agreement. Cash transfers may not be allowed or may not be available in your geographic area.
      8. Upon receipt of a request relating to a transfer of cash permitted by you as a transferor to a “Receiving User” as a transferee, drovox Apps shall facilitate such transfer as a social payment’s facilitator. The amount you choose to transfer will be deducted from your wallet with the application or the payment method that you selected from within the application and this amount will be added to the balance of the drovox applications wallet with the “receiving user” you selected, as soon as he receives the transfer notification.
      9. You agree that in connection with the aforementioned cash transfer feature, drovox apps act only as a facilitator of social payments, are not responsible for the actions of individual users (including the reasons for transferring funds) and that drovox apps do not engage in the activity of receiving deposits in any way.
      10. If you are a “recipient user” of drovox applications, your consent depends on your knowledge of the number requested for identification between you and it is considered as your knowledge of the other person “the transferred user” for one time only, and then it is the responsibility of drovox applications to facilitate the transfer of the amount to your financial wallet with the applications, and it will not be requested drovox applications require you to provide any information from a financial point of view. And if you, as a “receiving user”, do not accept your knowledge of that number of the person transferred, he will not be able to receive any transfer from this number.
      11. Remittances by you to Receiving Users are subject to applicable laws and restrictions regarding the number, frequency and amounts of Receiving Users as well as the location of Receiving Users. These limits are at drovox apps' sole discretion, and drovox apps may modify these limits from time to time without modifying this Agreement. Cash transfers may not be allowed or provided in your geographic area.
      12. Upon receipt of a request in connection with a transfer of cash permitted by you as a Transferee to a Receiving User as a Transferee, drovox Apps shall facilitate such transfer as a Social Payments Facilitator. The amount you choose to transfer will be deducted from the balance of your wallet or card registered within the drovox apps taking into account any fees incurred by the bank that issued your card.
      13. We will keep the amount corresponding to the balance transfer for the shortest possible time - especially if the transfer was made through the payment method chosen by you and not from the application wallet - and this is due to the policies of bank payment gateways. We are not responsible for the time taken by the bank or payment gateway to withdraw the amount and drovox apps will not be responsible in any way for it and we reserve the right to refuse any instruction to activate the balance transfer to complete the transfer.
      14.   We will keep the amount corresponding to the balance transfer for the shortest possible time - especially if the transfer was made through the payment method chosen by you and not from the application wallet - and this is due to the policies of bank payment gateways. We are not responsible for the time taken by the bank or payment gateway to withdraw the amount and drovox apps will not be responsible in any way for it and we reserve the right to refuse any instruction to activate the balance transfer to complete the transfer.
      15. You agree that, in connection with the cash transfer feature mentioned above, drovox apps serve as a social payments facilitator only, and are not responsible for the actions of individual users (including cash transfer reasons) and that drovox apps do not operate a deposit-taking activity in any way, and that Not licensed as a financial institution at the moment.
      16. As part of your account as a user, drovox Apps may provide you with the right to use features in drovox Apps that allow you to (a) manage the Payment Services; (b) add and store prepaid balances ("drovox Wallet"); (c) Transfer drovox Credits or obtain drovox Credits from other Users for or without charge to pay any drovox Apps fees and subject to any limits on the number of transfers or the amount of credit you can send and/or receive, drovox Apps may modify such fees and limits from time to time ; and/or (iv) transfer cash to another User (“Cash Transfers”). Cash transfers are subject to applicable law at all times and may not be permitted by applicable laws and, even when permitted and available, are restricted to cash transfers to other users residing in your geographic area, when you transfer credit from your drovox wallet to another user, The amount transferred and related fees (if any) are deducted from your user account balance and transferred to another user. Once the drovox wallet balance transfer request is completed, the request cannot be canceled or reversed. You agree that in the event that this feature of the drovox applications is provided, the user will be able to transfer this balance and shall not bear any responsibility for the actions of individual users including the reason for transferring the balance of the drovox wallet to you or from you.
      17. You may be entitled to purchase packages specific to drovox Credits (“drovox Packages”) or you may receive flight discounts (“Trip Discounts”) or service discounts (“Service Discounts”) that you can apply as payment for certain Services.
      18. drovox Packages, drovox Wallet Credits, Trip Discounts, and Service Discounts are only valid for use on drovox Apps, and cannot be transferred or exchanged for cash, and you can only use them for certain Services. drovox packages cannot be combined with trip discounts and service discounts, and if the cost of your trip exceeds the value of the applicable credit or discount, we will bill you for the cost of the trip.
      19. Additional restrictions may apply to drovox Packages, drovox Credits, Flight Discounts, and Service Discounts as indicated to you in an appropriate promotion or specific terms. drovox Apps may cancel or modify the terms of any drovox packages, drovox credit, flight discounts or service discounts at any time in its sole discretion.
      20. drovox Apps may from time to time offer you incentives for referring new users to the drovox community (the “Loyalty and Incentive Program”). These incentives may be in the form of drovox credits, flight discounts and/or service discounts, and drovox may renew or modify the types of incentives, amounts of any incentives, terms and restrictions.
      21. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information you add or include in the drovox applications. Providing false information may result in the termination of your drovox profile and legal prosecution.
    4. loyalty program
      1. When you become a User, you are part of the drovox Loyalty Program (the “Program”) in those markets in which the Program is available. Users will earn points by using the services offered by drovox applications and can access a number of services, means to support their local community, and benefits (“Bonuses”) depending on the status of a particular level (and relevant availability in a particular market).
      2. Users can earn or maintain tier status based on their use of these services in any calendar month. Once a user reaches a level, the level will remain in effect for a specified period of time. With regard to the expiration of the points earned under the program, the period of their use will be indicated when they are made available and referred to as the “Bonus Period” and any points earned in one reward period will automatically expire at the end of the expiry date.
      3. Rewards are provided at the sole discretion of drovox Apps, and may vary from time to time. Participating Rewards and Partners may vary from market to market, and may be added or deleted at the sole discretion of drovox Apps. You can redeem points for rewards as per the available offer, at any time as indicated in the application. By receiving these rewards, you confirm your acceptance of the program terms.
      4. drovox has the right to add, change, limit, modify or cancel Program rules, regulations, rules for earning and redeeming reward points, reward levels, redemption levels, operations, benefits, level statuses and program partners without notice, even if such changes affect the member's level status, or the value of points already accumulated, Or the ability to use the accumulated points, or the ability to get certain rewards.
      5. drovox applications can, among other things: (i) increase or decrease the number of points received for a specific action, the amount spent or the number of points required to obtain a reward; (ii) withdraw, limit, modify or cancel any Reward; (iii) add outage dates, limit the availability of any Reward, or limit the continued availability of Rewards; (iv) change Program benefits served by Rewards or its partners, terms of participation, rules for earning, redeeming, retaining, discontinuing or terminating Points, or rules governing the use of Rewards; (v) change or cancel Rewards; and (6) change the rules governing level states, including but not limited to: the rules for accessing a level state, the rules for the duration and expiration of a level state, and the benefits granted by reaching a certain level state.
      6. drovox Apps makes no warranties or representations, either express or implied, and expressly disclaims liability (including consequential damages) with respect to the type, cost, quality or suitability of goods or services provided through the Software.
      7. If any partner participating in the Rewards Program improperly refuses to grant a User an advantage or benefit, drovox's liability will be limited to reviewing the replacement of the equivalent value with Rewards Points for that feature or benefit as determined solely by drovox Apps.
      8. The Program does not have a predetermined termination date and may continue until such time that drovox applications decide to terminate the Program, at any time, with or without notice. If the Program is terminated, all unredeemed Points or tier status benefits will be forfeited without any obligation or liability, and no compensation claims or tier status benefits will be honored after the notice period has expired.
      9. drovox Apps reserves the right to revoke the User's access to the Program and to cancel any unredeemed drovox Rewards Points collected by any Member who appears to be using the Program in a manner inconsistent with the Terms or any part of the Program, for reasons including but not limited to: 1) violation of these terms and conditions; 2) misrepresentation of any information or any misuse of this software; 3) a violation of local law in connection with the use of this software; 4) commit fraud or misuse any part of this Program; 5) act in any other way at the expense of the Program or any of its stakeholders; All drovox may determine in its sole discretion.
      10. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Program violations, fraud or abuse in relation to bonus points, credit, tier status or bonus use are subject to appropriate administrative and/or legal action by relevant government authorities and/or by drovox including but not limited to Forfeiture of all point transfers or rewards or redeem any points accumulated in your account in addition to blocking the account.
      11. Earning and redeeming Reward Points is subject to all applicable local laws and regulations and is offered in good faith, however it may not be available or may be subject to change if prohibited or restricted by applicable law or regulations.
      12. Separate terms and conditions may apply to your reservation or purchase of goods, services or rewards you choose. Please read these separate terms and conditions carefully. You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of purchase imposed by any supplier you choose to do business with. You understand that any violation of the rules and restrictions of any such supplier may result in you being denied access to the applicable product or services or in the loss of any money paid for such product or service.
    5. community support
      1. As part of drovox's support of our communities and the “hero” drivers who operate on our Platform, drovox may offer new features that enable you to support our community in a variety of ways. These features may be changed and updated from time to time, and these features may not be available in all regions or markets and may be subject to change and/or cancellation at any time. drovox reserves the right to cancel, suspend or modify these features at any time without notice for any reason in its sole discretion and without any liability.
      2. In order to provide these features, drovox has partnered with entities including government agencies, NGOs and charitable organizations. Please note that drovox is not registered as a charitable organization and does not present itself as a charitable organization. Or a guarantor of donations, and the provision of support is managed by the participating organizations.
      3. You can ask drovox to support the purpose of an organization, drovox will support the relevant participating organization by transferring an amount equal to the face value of the amount to be transferred on the drovox app (minus any fees charged if any) to the relevant participating organization. drovox will perform this conversion unless it becomes impossible or impossible to perform. Any drovox credits or bonus points are non-refundable. drovox makes no warranties or representations, whether express or implied, with respect to any of the aforementioned support methods, and expressly disclaims all liability (including consequential damages) with respect to the cost, quality or suitability of the goods, services or credits provided in connection with such Donations made.
      4. If the Participating Organization that you have selected on your List ceases to be or is authorized to be a Participating Charitable before drovox pays to the relevant Participating Organization or if a payment to such entity becomes unenforceable, drovox may in its sole discretion make a payment to a Participating Organization with a similar charitable purpose on your behalf.
      5. Trademarks, service marks or logos appearing in the Donations feature on the App are the property of their respective owners and are likely to be registered trademarks and are subject to restrictions regarding their use. They may not be used without the express permission of the trademark owner.
    6. Telecommunications
      1. By becoming a user of drovox Apps, you agree to receive communications from us, including via email, text messages, calls and push notifications. You agree that pre-recorded texts, calls or messages may be generated by automated telephony systems and may include communications from drovox applications, its affiliates and/or “hero” driver companies, including but not limited to: operational communications relating to your user account or use of drovox applications or services, updates regarding new and current features on drovox applications, communications regarding promotions from us or our third-party partners, and news regarding developments in drovox applications and services. Standard text message fees applied by your carrier apply to text messages we send. If you no longer wish to receive promotional or marketing communications by text message, please send an email to: info@drovox.com or review our Privacy Policy for more information.
    7. Fees and Payments
      1. As a user of drovox Apps, you agree to pay any amounts due by drovox Apps (if any) and amounts incurred by “hero” drivers or any independent third-party service provider for providing the Services to you.
      2. After you receive the Services from “hero” Drivers or any independent third party service providers, drovox will: (i) facilitate your payment of applicable Fees as the Limited Payment Collection Agent for such “hero” Driver, and (ii) you may collect any applicable Fees for drovox Applications Directly from you or, in the case of cash, from the respective “hero” driver. Payment of the Fees and Fees in the above manner shall in all cases be deemed to have been paid directly by you to “hero” or to any independent third-party service provider or to drovox Apps, as the case may be. drovox fees and charges include applicable taxes where required by law, including value-added tax or sales tax. Unless otherwise specified by drovox, fees and charges paid by you are final and non-refundable.         
      3. All charges and fees for the use of drovox Apps are due immediately, payment through drovox Apps will be facilitated using the preferred payment method designated in your account, after which drovox Apps will send a receipt via registered email (if applicable). If it is determined that your primary payment method for your account has expired, is invalid or uncollectible, you agree that drovox Apps may, on your behalf, use a secondary payment method in your account if any.
      4. Subject to the agreement between you and drovox Apps, drovox Apps reserves the right to charge, cancel and modify the drovox Fee, or any of the foregoing, at any time in drovox's sole discretion. Fees can also be changed or revised at any time without your consent. Further, you acknowledge and agree that the applicable drovox charges and fees in certain geographic areas may increase significantly during times of high demand. drovox Apps will use reasonable efforts to notify you of charges and service fees that may apply, provided that you are responsible for reimbursing the Charges and Charges of drovox that are incurred under your account, regardless of your knowledge of such charges or drovox charges as their value.
    8. Repair or cleaning expenses
      1. You shall be liable for the cost of damage to, or necessary cleaning of, “hero”'s vehicles and property resulting from the use of the drovox App under your Account in excess of the normal damages "Damage" and necessary cleaning ("Repair or Cleaning"). In the event that a driver “hero” reports the need for repair or cleaning, and the request for repair or cleaning is verified by drovox in drovox's reasonable discretion, drovox Apps reserves the right to facilitate payment for the reasonable cost of such repair or cleaning on behalf of the driver “hero” using any of your payment methods. These amounts will be transferred by drovox to the appropriate “hero” driver and are non-refundable.
    9. Prohibited activities
      1. In connection with your use of the drovox Applications and your participation in the Services, you agree to avoid: (i) impersonate any person or entity; (ii) stalk, threaten or harass any person (including other users who make use of the Service) or carry any weapons; (iii) Violate any law, regulation, rule, permit, ordinance or regulation; (iv) interfering with or disrupting the Services, the drovox App, or servers or networks connected to the drovox App; (v) Submit information or interact on the drovox App or in connection with the Services in a manner that is fraudulent, inaccurate, misleading (whether directly or by omission or failure to update information), defamatory, defamatory, abusive, obscene, infringing, abusive, or trending sexual, threatening, harassing, or illegal; (6) use of drugs or alcohol; (vii) use the drovox Apps in any way that infringes the rights of third parties; including but not limited to: intellectual property rights, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary rights, copyrights, right to publicity or privacy; (8) Post, email or otherwise transmit any malicious code, files or other programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer program, application, device or telecommunications equipment, or steal or confiscate any system or data or personal information; (9) Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any information transmitted through drovox applications (10) frame or display an image identical to any part of the drovox application, without prior written permission or use meta tags, code, or any other devices containing any reference to us in order to direct any person to any other website for any purpose; (11) modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, decompile or decompile any part of the drovox system or any software used on or in connection with the drovox Application; (12) rent, lease, loan, sell, redistribute, sublicense or sublicense the drovox Apps, or access any part of the drovox Apps; (13) use any robot, search application, or other manual or automated device or process to retrieve, index, delete, or otherwise extract data for the purpose of extracting or circumventing a copy of a drovox presentation or its contents; (14) link directly or indirectly to any other web site; (15) transfer or sell your user account, password and/or identification to any third party; (16) discriminate against or harass any person on the basis of race, origin, religion, sex, gender identity, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age, or sexual orientation; (17) Forcing others to participate in the activities prohibited above. In the event that you do any of the foregoing while participating in the Services, the “hero” shall be allowed to refuse to provide the Services to you, or in the event of the commencement of these Services, the “hero” shall be allowed to refuse to continue to provide the Services to you.
    10. Disclaimer and Indemnity
      1. Disclaimer
        1. The services are provided "AS IS" and "as available". drovox Apps disclaims all representations and warranties, whether express, implied or statutory, that are not expressly set forth in this Agreement, including the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In addition, drovox Apps makes no representation, warranty or guarantee as to the reliability, suitability, discipline, quality, reliability, and availability of the drovox Apps or the Services, or any other services required through the use of the drovox Apps, or that the service of the drovox Apps will not be discontinued. or free from errors. drovox and its affiliates do not guarantee the quality, suitability, safety or ability of the “HERO” driver. You agree that all risks arising from your use of the drovox App Services, and any service required in connection therewith, remain solely at your own risk, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.
        2. drovox Apps and its affiliates are not responsible for the conduct of any user, “hero” driver, partner, any mobile network provider or any other third party, whether online or offline. We encourage you to use a reasonable degree of sensitivity and caution in your dealings with other users, “hero” drivers or any other third party.
        3. drovox Apps do not have to provide insurance for personal baggage including loss of personal baggage as a result of theft, hijacking or as a result of baggage being forgotten in a vehicle, or to be liable for such baggage. By your use of drovox Apps and participation in the Services, you agree to accept such risks and agree not to hold drovox Apps liable for the actions or negligence of users, “hero” drivers, any partner, service provider, mobile network provider or third party.
        4. You acknowledge that drovox applications may have their own insurance coverage from which you may benefit. In the event that this occurs, you agree to give appropriate notice in relation to the insurance claim and accept that the benefit arising from any restricted insurance service is at your own risk, and you hereby acknowledge that drovox Apps is not acting as an intermediary in connection therewith, and makes no warranties, guarantees or any representations other regarding it.
        5. drovox Apps and its affiliate partners expressly do not accept any liability arising from the unauthorized use of your user account. If you suspect that an unauthorized party may use your User Account or suspect any other breach of security, you must agree to notify us immediately.
        6. The location data provided by drovox applications is for primary location purposes only, and is not relied upon in cases where accurate location information is required or where false, inaccurate or incomplete location data could result in death, personal injury or property or damage to the property. The environment. Neither drovox Apps nor its affiliates nor any of its content providers guarantee the availability, accuracy, completeness, reliability or timeliness of the location data tracked or displayed by drovox Apps. Any of your information, including professional data, may be uploaded, submitted or published on the drovox applications, available to the application services, selected partners and selected “hero” drivers.
      2. Limitation of Liability
        1. drovox Apps and its Partners will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, including lost profits, lost data, personal injury or property damage in connection with the use of the drovox App or the Services, or in connection with related to, or otherwise arising from, such use, even if drovox has been advised of the possibility of such damages. drovox Apps and its affiliates and partners shall not be liable for any damages, liability or losses arising from: (a) your use of or reliance on drovox Apps or the Services or your inability to access or use the drovox Apps or Services; (b) any transaction or relationship between you and any “hero” driver or any other third party, even if the Company, its subsidiaries, partners or applications have been advised of the possibility of such damages. drovox Apps and its affiliates and partners shall not be liable for delays or failures in the performance of the Services, caused by causes beyond our reasonable control. You acknowledge that “hero” drivers who provide transportation services requested by some brands may offer transportation services and such services may not be professionally licensed or permitted. In no event shall drovox, its subsidiaries and partners, or any of them, be liable to you in relation to the drovox Applications or Services, any associated website or application, or any material posted regarding the actions of Support Service Partners or other partners against All damages, losses and business failures.
        2. You may use drovox Apps to request and schedule services with your “hero”, but only if you agree that drovox, its affiliates, partners and other partners shall have no responsibility or liability to you for any Service provided to you by “hero”. other than as expressly stated in this Agreement. The limitations and disclaimers contained herein do not limit liability or change your rights as a consumer, which cannot be excluded under applicable law.
      3. compensation
        1. You agree to indemnify and hold drovox Apps, its partners and other partners and their employees, directors, officers and agents against any claims, demands, losses, liabilities or expenses (including attorneys' fees) arising out of or in connection with the following: (i) your use of the drovox Apps Services or any merchandise obtained through your use of the drovox Apps; or (ii) your breach or violation of this Agreement; or (iii) your infringement of the rights of third parties, including “hero” Drivers.
      4. General provisions relating to competitions, races and giveaways
        1. Unless otherwise stated, drovox Apps will conduct all contests, contests, contests and giveaways (each a “Contest”) as described in this paragraph, and by entering into a Contest each entrant or contestant (“Contestant”) agrees to these Rules Whether or not any additional conditions apply to the competition.
        2. When entering or participating in a Contest, a Contestant may be eligible for a prize identified in the relevant promotional materials ("Prize"). drovox Apps may also refuse any entry in its sole discretion, provided that such refusal is not inconsistent with applicable law.
        3. The prize is not transferable or exchangeable and no cash alternative is offered. In the absence of a prize, drovox Apps may offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value if there are circumstances beyond the control of drovox Apps that make it necessary to do so. To the extent permitted by law, the contest winner will be responsible for all taxes incurred in connection with receipt of the prize.
        4. Simply participating in the competition does not mean that the contestant has won the prize. The winning entry (the “Contest Winner”) will be selected by random drawing (conducted by a computer process or supervised by an independent third party) or by a panel of individuals who screen entries. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact the Contest Winner but if the Contest Winner cannot be contacted or the Contest Winner fails to respond to a communication from drovox Apps within the notified timeframe, drovox Apps will be entitled to offer the prize to the next eligible contestant. drovox Apps is not responsible for the prize not reaching the contest winner if this is the result of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of drovox Apps.
        5. Without prejudice to the "Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability and Compensation" clause, neither drovox Apps nor any of its affiliates nor any of its Contest Partners shall be liable for any error, omission, interruption, omission or unauthorized entry into Contest Entries or any late entries. or missing, whether as a result of server malfunctions, viruses, software errors, or other reasons beyond the control of drovox applications or any of its affiliates or any of its partners. In no event shall Drovox Apps, any of its affiliates, or any of its partners be responsible for any contest or any materials posted in connection with the contest the amount of which exceeds the monetary value of the prize
        6. drovox Apps reserves the right to cancel or modify the competition or any conditions related thereto. Contestants will be notified of any changes as soon as possible. If this Agreement does not resolve any matter that may arise, drovox Applications will have the sole discretion to make a final decision on such matters. drovox Apps' decisions regarding any aspect of the Contest are final and binding and may not enter into any discussion or correspondence regarding it.
      5. conflict resolution
        1. Arbitration
          1. You agree that any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement, its breach, termination, execution, interpretation, validity, or use of the drovox Applications or Services, (collectively “Disputes”) , will be settled by binding arbitration between you and any relevant Affiliate in the jurisdiction in which the Service is provided, except that each party reserves the right to seek injunctive or other equitable relief in a court having jurisdiction, with a view to Prevent actual or threatened infringement, misuse or infringement of a party's copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent or other intellectual property right. You also acknowledge and agree that you and drovox Apps waive the right to a trial by a legal body or to participate as a plaintiff or party to any purported class action or representative proceeding. Further, if you and your Affiliate do not agree otherwise in writing, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claim, and may not preside over any form of any proceeding of any party or representative. If this specific clause is unenforceable, the entire “Dispute Resolution” part will be void. Except as provided in the preceding sentence, the part entitled "Dispute Resolution" shall survive termination of this Agreement. The "Dispute Resolution" clause applies to all disputes (as defined below) between you and drovox Apps or any of its affiliates.
        2.  Arbitration procedures and rules
          1. Any dispute, conflict, claim or controversy arising out of or in connection with the drovox Apps or out of or in connection with this Agreement, including such disputes as to the validity, interpretation or enforceability of this Agreement (any "Dispute") shall be referred first to mediation proceedings under the Mediation Rules applicable in the Chambers of Commerce, and in the event that such a dispute is not settled within sixty (60) days after the submission of the request for mediation, such disputes may be referred to and resolved exclusively and finally by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules as The provisions of the "Emergency Court" are excluded in the Special Arbitration Rules. The dispute shall be resolved by one (1) arbitrator who shall be appointed in accordance with the rules of the Chambers of Commerce. The place of mediation and arbitration shall be in the principal city of the relevant partner who has a dispute with drovox Apps. The language of mediation or arbitration shall be in Arabic or English, unless you do not speak Arabic or English, in which case the proceedings of mediation and/or arbitration shall be in both English and the mother tongue. The existence and content of mediation and arbitration procedures, including documents and memoranda submitted by the parties, correspondence to and from the Chamber of Commerce and correspondence issued by the mediator, as well as correspondence, orders and arbitral awards issued by the single arbitrator shall remain confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties without the express written consent of the other party. , except where: (i) disclosure to a third party is reasonably required in the course of a mediation or arbitration proceeding; and (ii) if a third party unconditionally agrees in writing to be bound by the confidentiality obligation set forth in this Agreement.
        3. other provisions
          1. Choosing the regulating law
            1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Applications operate, without application of any conflict of law principles, except as otherwise provided in Additional Terms applicable in your geographic jurisdiction.
            2. Claims of copyright infringement
              1. Claims of copyright infringement should be sent to drovox Apps at the email address info@drovox.com
      6. Notifications
        1. drovox Apps may give notice by sending a general email notification to your email address in your account, or by a written message sent to your address as indicated on your account. You can send a notification to drovox Apps via a written message to the drovox Apps email address at the following address: info@drovox.com
      7. General Provisions
        1. You may not assign or transfer your rights under this Agreement in whole or in part without the prior written consent of drovox Apps. You are also obligated to agree that drovox Apps may assign or transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part to the following: (i) a subsidiary or affiliated company; or (ii) a party acquiring the ownership rights to the drovox Applications, its businesses, or its assets; or (iii) one of the partners by way of consolidation. The contract between you and drovox Apps or the use of drovox Apps does not create any joint venture, partnership, employment or agency relationship between you and drovox Apps or any “hero” Driver.
        2. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, under any law, such provision or part of it shall not, to the extent that such provision or part of it shall not form part of this Agreement, without affecting the legality, validity and enforceability of other provisions of this Agreement. In such event, the parties shall replace the illegal, invalid or non-binding provision or part of it with another provision or part of it legal, valid and binding, and such new provision shall have the effect to the maximum extent possible of the previous unlawful, invalid or invalid provision enforceable, or part thereof, in light of the contents and purpose of this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to its subject matter, and supersedes and supersedes all prior or existing agreements or undertakings relating to such subject matter.